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August 03 2020 – Henrieta Haniskova
Oat Oil
We like it for it's antibacterial properties as well as wonderful moisturizing properties. These superpowers are especially great for people with conditions like eczema, where skin is very dry and the moisture barrier has been interrupted. Let's learn a little more about it...
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July 26 2020 – Henrieta Haniskova
Meadowfoam oil
The oil from Meadowfoam seed has unique chemical properties that make it one of the most stable vegetable oils known. And replaces sperm whale oil in vsrious industries. We love it for it's high content of vitamin E. Let's learn a bit more about it...
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July 14 2020 – Henrieta Haniskova
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is the beauty vitamin for a good reason. Let's see what wonderful benefits it has to offer...
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July 12 2020 – Henrieta Haniskova
Jojoba oil
Jojoba oil is not really an oil as much as it is liquid wax with structure very similar to sebum that our skin produces for protection. Let's learn what this liquid gold can offer our skin...
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July 12 2020 – Henrieta Haniskova
Sunflower oil
Sunflower is a very popular oil in baby skin care formulas. It's effective and very cost effective. We love it as a part of our formula too. Let's learn more about it's benefits here...
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July 12 2020 – Henrieta Haniskova
Castor oil
Castor oil also known as “Palma Christi” or “Hand of Christ" earned this name because of it's numerous healing properties. Let's take a look at how beneficial this ingredient can be in a cosmetic formula...
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July 11 2020 – Henrieta Haniskova
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has been used for centuries for man purposes. As food, drink, oil, flour, and shell is utilized for charcoal and fiber or cleaned and carved into a bowl. Let's see what amazing benefits it has to offer...
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July 07 2020 – Henrieta Haniskova
Hemp oil
Hemp oil is one of the most sustainable and nutritionally dense ingredients for cosmetics and your diet. The controversy still surrounds it. So let's shed some light on this wonderful plant and it's many benefits.
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